© Living Hope Project. Registered Charity in England & Wales (1157086)

Sponsor a child with us!
Just £7.50 can change a life.
Your sponsorship can help give a child the tools to bring themselves and their famillies out of poverty, permanently.
How does it work?
Living Hope School provides free education for children living in poverty in Pakistan. However, we can only do this with your support.
£7.50 per month will provide a child with;
*Text books
And certainty of a good education
What do I get?
Twice a year your sponsor child will send you a letter, and you will receive an update about their personal situation and hopes for the future
Click here to use MyDonate to register for a personal account and select a regular donation of £7.50 a month. We will then email you to confirm with details of a choice of sponsor children.

Manahil Mashi
3 years old
Wants to be a teacher when she grows up